The best way to know what is happening in the airline industry is, of course, to link up with other companies. We have done just that!
Do you wish to attend the 6-week in-depth CAA Flight Attendant licensing course? Please visit and speak to Sherlinia who will refer you to the correct person to answer all your questions. You will also find them on Facebook.
EPT AVIATION TRAINING SCHOOL is the best Flight Attendant Training School in South Africa, confirmed by all its learners and employees.
Do you wish to place your CV at a well-known international airline? Please visit and e-mail Melinda Ferreira who has been asked to head the national agency for this global and dynamic international airline.
If you have been successful in your 1st Open Day with the above international airline (facilitated by Icrew) and you will be attending the Pre-screening Interview Day with Emirates Airline - then please e-mail us at A Focused Interview Skills class will be offered during that week that will open your eyes to your new, exciting and never to be matched future career. |